Friday, October 13, 2006

Wonka Mobile

I think this pic kinda sums up Japan... In the background you will notice a convienience store. It has everything you could possibly desire and there are about a million on my ten minute walk home from the station. Another thing you might notice is that they drive on the wrong side of the road, (passengers beware when I get home.) Additionally it is very wet due to a hell of a storm we had. Oh, and if you're really keen, you might notice a bright pink van-o-mobile-thingy. Couldn't tell you what it was advertising, but the speakers were as loud as its paint job. They love blaring megaphones over here. It always sounds important, like a public safety alert, but more likely they're trying to sell chewing gum, pachinko (a gambling craze here) or maybe a new shampoo. Damned if I know...


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