Monday, December 18, 2006

Symbolic Reflection

This is a picture I took which I felt was both aesthetically pleasing as well as thought-provoking. I'll give you a second to pause and examine the picture for any noticable oddities..... As I was walking by this pool which is near the source of a small pond, something caught my eye in my periphery. Turning back to see what it was, I noticed it was the reflection between the statues. The twisted iron cross of the Nazis had leapt out at me in a sort of subconcious horror. I have, like most, been taught that the swastika is a symbol of evil. However in my later years I came to realize it was a perversion of a Hindu/Buddhist/Jainist symbol which is for good luck or blessings and it is still weird to see them displayed all over holy sites and maps which indicate where temples are. Anyhow, I thought it was interesting...


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